The Power of Love: The Two

After so many months spent in writing, editing, polishing, and going back and forth with a fantastic editor, and finding the perfect cover with my publisher, I’m now excited to see this other novel finally come out!

Early reviews from ARC readers have been fantastic. Once again (and funny enough), Anita takes the spotlight. It’s hilarious how a supporting character is able to charm so many hearts... I’m proud of her, and I’m pleased to see her journey being the one that readers loved the most.

That said, my protagonist, Daniel, remains at the center of this trilogy. 'The Two' really gives justice to his arc in a way that exceeded my expectations. I hope it’s the same for all of you.

Stay connected. ‘The Power of Love: The Two' is out on December 1st

Ross J. Kinnaird


Audible & Milestones


A Tale of Time: A Web Serial