The Power of Love

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And so it begins…

Ideas came to mind... A story formed... The writing began... And then what?

Like any author, the plot got out of hand. The characters started to come to life, with minds of their own. They challenged my decisions and words, and began to take their own paths. They knew what was best for them and for the novel. And so, they told me that one volume wasn't enough. They had too much to say, too much to show me. And I listened.

The Power of Love transformed from a single book to two, and then three. A trilogy... that's fine. It's actually cool! I thought. But then the editing started, the rewrites, the plot checks, and once again, I was told that three volumes weren't enough! The One, The Two, and The Three found another companion: A Tale of Time. Now that The One is published and out in the world, The Two is underway, and The Three is at the editing stage, I'm petrified (and thrilled) to see what else is in store for me, for you readers, Daniel, Anita, and Noah!

With all the Power of my Love,
Ross J. Kinnaird