
Ross J. Kinnaird

“Art, feelings, music, emotions have always been the strongest part of me. I was only a young teenager when I started to transfer my busy mind on paper. With the years, life and experiences enriched my soul to a point where The Power of Love had finally taken form.

With strongest connection to what I saw life being, the story of Daniel, Noah and Anita had become an extension of who I am, of who many of us.. are”

Ross J. Kinnaird

Ross Joseph Kinnaird was born in the United States something like 1000 years ago. Moved to Italy when only an infant, he grew up in the deep south, shaped by the sun and the wildness of the sea. After moving to Ireland in 2010, he started to collect and collate the many stories he had written. They all seemed to have one theme, one soul. With the Celtic magic brought to him by his new home, Ross had finally seen with the mistic eyes of the mind his novel taking shape. And so The Power of Love became the journey of a lifetime, perhaps many lifetimes.
In between reality and fantasy, he fused together the many way life presented to him. In a literary roller-coaster of  emotions and feelings, pain, sorrow, happiness, friendship, love, Ross J. Kinnaird turns in writing the many stories we tell ourselves in our never-ending search for a greater meaning.

Ask the Author

  • What is the series The Power of Love about?
    The Power of Love tells the story of Love and its manifestation through the entire history of humanity. Without giving too much away, this journey reveals, bit by bit, what Love truly is and why it shapes our lives so deeply.

  • What genre would you say this series is?
    Fiction. Absolutely Fiction, with a pinch of fantasy and coming of age type of narrative. If you like epic narrative, you might enjoy these books very much.

  • How many books are there?
    Right now? Three (and a half..). The main story is complete. The One and The Two are fully developed and in their final stage of publication. The Three is almost done (nailing down the big finale!). For the half.. well, there was so much left to say that, with the years, I collected tons of side stories the readers might want to get their hands on. So, technically, there is a fourth book in store. But I won’t say any more!

  • Where and when can we buy the books?
    The One is hopefully hitting the stores and Amazon Kindle in June 2023. Once that is out, The Two will go through the publishing process. I want to make sure my readers have had the time to digest the gigantic story, the infinite possibilities behind their discoveries before releasing The Two.


  • Lastly, what made you write this series?
    The full answer? It wouldn’t fit this website and it might become a book of its own! The short version is that I always wanted to tell about the real power of Love. Something that moves humanity from within. With no boundaries or limitation, Love is most likely the supreme language we all share. To be this powerful, it has to be magical, it has to be more than an emotion. It has to be something or someone of cosmic proportion. I was ready to tell the story of this ancient mystery as I see it and so my main characters embarked in this epic quest through time